oglplus | All definitions of OGLplus are nested in the oglplus namespace |
context | Namespace containing definitions of GL context-related operation wrappers |
Blending | Wrapper for blending operations |
RGBAValue | Helper structure storing the clear color components |
ClrBits | Helper class used by BufferClearing::Clear() |
BufferClearing | Wrapper for the operations that are used to clear the draw buffers |
RGBAMask | Helper structure storing the clear color component mask |
BufferMasking | Wrappers for operations for fine control of buffer updates |
BufferSelection | Wrappers for functions selecting the buffers for read/write operations |
Capabilities | Wrapper for the capability-related commands |
Computing | Wrapper for the general-purpose-computing-related operations |
DepthTest | Wrapper for the depth-buffer-related operations |
Drawing | Wrapper for primitive drawing operations |
Errors | Wrapper for the error-reporting-related operations |
Hints | Wrapper for the hint-related operations |
LimitQueries | Wrapper for implementation-dependent limit queries |
LogicalOps | Wrapper for the color buffer logical operations |
NumericQueries | Wrapper for the GL numeric-query-related operations |
ObjectBinding | Wrapper for object binding operations |
ObjectDSA | Object direct state access operations |
PixelOps | Wrapper for the pixel storage and transfer operations |
Rasterization | Wrapper for the basic point, line and polygon rasterization operations |
ScissorRectangle | Helper structure storing the extents of a 2D scissor rectangle |
ScissorTest | Wrapper for the scissor-buffer-related operations |
StencilTest | Wrapper for the stencil-buffer-related operations |
StringQueries | Wrapper for the GL string-query-related operations |
Synchronization | Wrapper for synchronization operations |
ViewportPosition | Helper structure storing position in a 2D viewport |
ViewportSize | Helper structure storing the dimensions of a 2D viewport |
ViewportExtents | Helper structure storing the extents of a 2D viewport |
BoundsRange | Helper structure storing the min/max bounds range |
DepthRange | Helper structure storing the near/far depth range |
ViewportOps | Wrapper for the viewport-related operations |
images | |
BrushedMetalUByte | Creates a RGB (three components per pixel) image used for brushed metal effect |
CheckerRedBlack | Creates a Red (one components per pixel) 2D checker image |
Cloud | A simple generator of 3D textures which can be used to render cloud effects |
FilteredImage | Base class for various image filters |
FromComponentI | Extractor that allows to specify which component to use as input |
LinearGradient | Creates a 1D, 2D or 3D linear gradient image |
Image | Wrapper for (texture) image data |
ImageSpecData | Class containing data for texture image specification |
BaseMetaballs | Creates a Red (one components per pixel) seamless 2D metaballs image |
Metaballs | Creates a Red (one components per pixel) seamless 2D metaballs image |
RandomMetaballs | Creates a Red seamless 2D image with random metaballs |
Metastars | Creates a Red (one components per pixel) seamless 2D metastars image |
RandomMetastars | Creates a Red seamless 2D image with random metastars |
NewtonFractal | A generator of Newton fractal 2D images |
X3Minus1 | The X^3-1 function and its derivation |
X4Minus1 | The X^4-1 function and its derivation |
NormalMap | A filter creating a normal-map/height-map from a height map image |
PNGImage | Loader of images in the PNG (Portable network graphics) format |
RandomRedUByte | Creates a RED (one component per pixel) white noise image |
RandomRGBUByte | Creates a RGB (three components per pixel) white noise image |
SortNWMap | Generator of an Image encoding a sorting network of specified size |
Squares | Creates a Red (one components per pixel) 2D image with repeating squares |
TransformComponents | A filter transforming image RGB components by a 4x4 matrix |
FlipImageAxes | A filter flipping/reorienting image axes |
XPMImage | Loader of images in the XPM (X Pix Map) format |
native | |
ContextGLX | Wrapper for a valid GLX context handle |
ContextWGL | Wrapper for a valid WGL context handle |
SurfaceGLX | Wrapper for GLX (drawable) surface handle |
SurfaceWGL | Wrapper for WGL (DC) surface handle |
ranges | The range algorithms are defined in this namespace |
IsRange | Metafunction for checking if a type conforms to the oglplus::Range concept |
AnyRange | A type erasure for types conforming to the oglplus::Range concept |
shapes | |
ShapeAnalyzerVert | Class storing information about a single vertex of a generated/loaded mesh |
ShapeAnalyzerEdge | Class storing information about a single edge of a generated/loaded mesh |
ShapeAnalyzerFace | Class storing information about a single face of a generated/loaded mesh |
ShapeAnalyzer | Class that analyzes vertex attribs generated by shape loaders/generators |
BlenderMesh | Class providing vertex attributes and instructions for drawing of a mesh |
Cage | Class providing vertex attributes and instructions for rendering of a cage |
Cube | Class providing vertex attributes and instructions for rendering of a cube |
ElementIndexInfo | Helper class storing information about shape element index datatype |
DrawOperation | Structure containing information about how to draw a part of a shape |
DrawingInstructions | Class encapsulating the instructions for drawing of a shape |
Grid | Class providing vertex attributes and instructions for rendering of a grid |
SimpleIcosahedron | Class providing vertex attributes and instructions for drawing of a icosahedron |
Icosahedron | Class providing vertex attributes and instructions for drawing of a icosahedron |
ObjMesh | Class providing attributes and instructions for drawing of mesh loaded from obj |
Plane | Class providing vertex attributes and instructions for rendering of a Plane |
RevolveY | Class providing attributes and instructions for rendering of a revolved shape |
Screen | Class providing vertex attributes and instructions for rendering of a Screen |
SkyBox | Class providing vertex attributes and instructions for drawing of a sky box |
Sphere | Class providing vertex attributes and instructions for rendering of a Sphere |
SpiralSphere | Class providing data and instructions for rendering of a "spiral sphere" |
SimpleSubdivSphere | Class providing vertex attributes and instructions for drawing of a sphere |
Tetrahedrons | Provides data and instructions for rendering of cube filling tetrahedrons |
Torus | Class providing vertex attributes and instructions for rendering of a Torus |
TwistedTorus | Class providing vertex attributes and instructions for rendering of a Torus |
PointAndVector | Class providing vertex attributes and instructions for rendering of a vector |
VertexAttribsInfo< ShapeBuiler > | Informations about a vertex attribute getter function of a ShapeBuilder |
WickerTorus | Class providing vertex attributes and instructions for rendering of a Torus |
ShapeWrapperBase | Wraps instructions and VAO+VBOs used to render a shape built by a ShapeBuilder |
ShapeWrapperTpl | Wraps instructions and VBOs and VAO used to render a shape built by a ShapeBuilder |
smart_enums | Smart enumerations are defined in this namespace |
_0 | Smart enum for enumerations with the _0 value |
_1 | Smart enum for enumerations with the _1 value |
_10 | Smart enum for enumerations with the _10 value |
_11 | Smart enum for enumerations with the _11 value |
_12 | Smart enum for enumerations with the _12 value |
_13 | Smart enum for enumerations with the _13 value |
_14 | Smart enum for enumerations with the _14 value |
_15 | Smart enum for enumerations with the _15 value |
_1D | Smart enum for enumerations with the _1D value |
_1DArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the _1DArray value |
_2 | Smart enum for enumerations with the _2 value |
_2D | Smart enum for enumerations with the _2D value |
_2DArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the _2DArray value |
_2DMultisample | Smart enum for enumerations with the _2DMultisample value |
_2DMultisampleArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the _2DMultisampleArray value |
_3 | Smart enum for enumerations with the _3 value |
_3D | Smart enum for enumerations with the _3D value |
_4 | Smart enum for enumerations with the _4 value |
_5 | Smart enum for enumerations with the _5 value |
_6 | Smart enum for enumerations with the _6 value |
_7 | Smart enum for enumerations with the _7 value |
_8 | Smart enum for enumerations with the _8 value |
_9 | Smart enum for enumerations with the _9 value |
A | Smart enum for enumerations with the A value |
AccumAdjacentPairs | Smart enum for enumerations with the AccumAdjacentPairs value |
AccumBuffer | Smart enum for enumerations with the AccumBuffer value |
ActiveVariables | Smart enum for enumerations with the ActiveVariables value |
Add | Smart enum for enumerations with the Add value |
AdjacentPairs | Smart enum for enumerations with the AdjacentPairs value |
Affine2D | Smart enum for enumerations with the Affine2D value |
Affine3D | Smart enum for enumerations with the Affine3D value |
All | Smart enum for enumerations with the All value |
AllAttribs | Smart enum for enumerations with the AllAttribs value |
AllShaders | Smart enum for enumerations with the AllShaders value |
Alpha | Smart enum for enumerations with the Alpha value |
AlreadySignaled | Smart enum for enumerations with the AlreadySignaled value |
Always | Smart enum for enumerations with the Always value |
And | Smart enum for enumerations with the And value |
AndInverted | Smart enum for enumerations with the AndInverted value |
AndReverse | Smart enum for enumerations with the AndReverse value |
AnySamplesPassed | Smart enum for enumerations with the AnySamplesPassed value |
API | Smart enum for enumerations with the API value |
Application | Smart enum for enumerations with the Application value |
ArcTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the ArcTo value |
Array | Smart enum for enumerations with the Array value |
ArraySize | Smart enum for enumerations with the ArraySize value |
ArrayStride | Smart enum for enumerations with the ArrayStride value |
AtomicCounter | Smart enum for enumerations with the AtomicCounter value |
AtomicCounterBuffer | Smart enum for enumerations with the AtomicCounterBuffer value |
AtomicCounterBufferIndex | Smart enum for enumerations with the AtomicCounterBufferIndex value |
B | Smart enum for enumerations with the B value |
Back | Smart enum for enumerations with the Back value |
BackLeft | Smart enum for enumerations with the BackLeft value |
BackRight | Smart enum for enumerations with the BackRight value |
Bevel | Smart enum for enumerations with the Bevel value |
BGR | Smart enum for enumerations with the BGR value |
BGRA | Smart enum for enumerations with the BGRA value |
BGRAInteger | Smart enum for enumerations with the BGRAInteger value |
BGRInteger | Smart enum for enumerations with the BGRInteger value |
Blend | Smart enum for enumerations with the Blend value |
BlockIndex | Smart enum for enumerations with the BlockIndex value |
Blue | Smart enum for enumerations with the Blue value |
BlueInteger | Smart enum for enumerations with the BlueInteger value |
Bold | Smart enum for enumerations with the Bold value |
Bool | Smart enum for enumerations with the Bool value |
BoolVec2 | Smart enum for enumerations with the BoolVec2 value |
BoolVec3 | Smart enum for enumerations with the BoolVec3 value |
BoolVec4 | Smart enum for enumerations with the BoolVec4 value |
BoundingBox | Smart enum for enumerations with the BoundingBox value |
BoundingBoxOfBoundingBoxes | Smart enum for enumerations with the BoundingBoxOfBoundingBoxes value |
Buffer | Smart enum for enumerations with the Buffer value |
BufferBinding | Smart enum for enumerations with the BufferBinding value |
BufferDataSize | Smart enum for enumerations with the BufferDataSize value |
BufferUpdate | Smart enum for enumerations with the BufferUpdate value |
BufferVariable | Smart enum for enumerations with the BufferVariable value |
Byte | Smart enum for enumerations with the Byte value |
CCW | Smart enum for enumerations with the CCW value |
CircularCCWArcTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the CircularCCWArcTo value |
CircularCWArcTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the CircularCWArcTo value |
CircularTangentArcTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the CircularTangentArcTo value |
ClampToBorder | Smart enum for enumerations with the ClampToBorder value |
ClampToEdge | Smart enum for enumerations with the ClampToEdge value |
Clear | Smart enum for enumerations with the Clear value |
ClientMappedBuffer | Smart enum for enumerations with the ClientMappedBuffer value |
ClientStorage | Smart enum for enumerations with the ClientStorage value |
ClipDistance | Smart enum for enumerations with the ClipDistance value |
Close | Smart enum for enumerations with the Close value |
Coherent | Smart enum for enumerations with the Coherent value |
Color | Smart enum for enumerations with the Color value |
Color1 | Smart enum for enumerations with the Color1 value |
Color10 | Smart enum for enumerations with the Color10 value |
Color11 | Smart enum for enumerations with the Color11 value |
Color12 | Smart enum for enumerations with the Color12 value |
Color13 | Smart enum for enumerations with the Color13 value |
Color14 | Smart enum for enumerations with the Color14 value |
Color15 | Smart enum for enumerations with the Color15 value |
Color2 | Smart enum for enumerations with the Color2 value |
Color3 | Smart enum for enumerations with the Color3 value |
Color4 | Smart enum for enumerations with the Color4 value |
Color5 | Smart enum for enumerations with the Color5 value |
Color6 | Smart enum for enumerations with the Color6 value |
Color7 | Smart enum for enumerations with the Color7 value |
Color8 | Smart enum for enumerations with the Color8 value |
Color9 | Smart enum for enumerations with the Color9 value |
ColorBuffer | Smart enum for enumerations with the ColorBuffer value |
ColorLogicOp | Smart enum for enumerations with the ColorLogicOp value |
Command | Smart enum for enumerations with the Command value |
CompareRefToTexture | Smart enum for enumerations with the CompareRefToTexture value |
Compatibility | Smart enum for enumerations with the Compatibility value |
CompatibleSubroutines | Smart enum for enumerations with the CompatibleSubroutines value |
Complete | Smart enum for enumerations with the Complete value |
CompressedETC2EAC | Smart enum for enumerations with the CompressedETC2EAC value |
CompressedR11EAC | Smart enum for enumerations with the CompressedR11EAC value |
CompressedRed | Smart enum for enumerations with the CompressedRed value |
CompressedRedRGTC1 | Smart enum for enumerations with the CompressedRedRGTC1 value |
CompressedRG | Smart enum for enumerations with the CompressedRG value |
CompressedRG11EAC | Smart enum for enumerations with the CompressedRG11EAC value |
CompressedRGB | Smart enum for enumerations with the CompressedRGB value |
CompressedRGB8ETC2 | Smart enum for enumerations with the CompressedRGB8ETC2 value |
CompressedRGB8PunchthroughAlpha1ETC2 | Smart enum for enumerations with the CompressedRGB8PunchthroughAlpha1ETC2 value |
CompressedRGBA | Smart enum for enumerations with the CompressedRGBA value |
CompressedRGBABPTCUNorm | Smart enum for enumerations with the CompressedRGBABPTCUNorm value |
CompressedRGBBPTCSignedFloat | Smart enum for enumerations with the CompressedRGBBPTCSignedFloat value |
CompressedRGBBPTCUnsignedFloat | Smart enum for enumerations with the CompressedRGBBPTCUnsignedFloat value |
CompressedRGRGTC2 | Smart enum for enumerations with the CompressedRGRGTC2 value |
CompressedSignedR11EAC | Smart enum for enumerations with the CompressedSignedR11EAC value |
CompressedSignedRedRGTC1 | Smart enum for enumerations with the CompressedSignedRedRGTC1 value |
CompressedSignedRG11EAC | Smart enum for enumerations with the CompressedSignedRG11EAC value |
CompressedSignedRGRGTC2 | Smart enum for enumerations with the CompressedSignedRGRGTC2 value |
CompressedSRGB | Smart enum for enumerations with the CompressedSRGB value |
CompressedSRGB8Alpha8ETC2EAC | Smart enum for enumerations with the CompressedSRGB8Alpha8ETC2EAC value |
CompressedSRGB8ETC2 | Smart enum for enumerations with the CompressedSRGB8ETC2 value |
CompressedSRGB8PunchthroughAlpha1ETC2 | Smart enum for enumerations with the CompressedSRGB8PunchthroughAlpha1ETC2 value |
CompressedSRGBAlpha | Smart enum for enumerations with the CompressedSRGBAlpha value |
CompressedSRGBAlphaBPTCUNorm | Smart enum for enumerations with the CompressedSRGBAlphaBPTCUNorm value |
Compute | Smart enum for enumerations with the Compute value |
ComputeShader | Smart enum for enumerations with the ComputeShader value |
ComputeSubroutine | Smart enum for enumerations with the ComputeSubroutine value |
ComputeSubroutineUniform | Smart enum for enumerations with the ComputeSubroutineUniform value |
ConditionSatisfied | Smart enum for enumerations with the ConditionSatisfied value |
ConstantAlpha | Smart enum for enumerations with the ConstantAlpha value |
ConstantColor | Smart enum for enumerations with the ConstantColor value |
ConvexHull | Smart enum for enumerations with the ConvexHull value |
Copy | Smart enum for enumerations with the Copy value |
CopyInverted | Smart enum for enumerations with the CopyInverted value |
CopyRead | Smart enum for enumerations with the CopyRead value |
CopyWrite | Smart enum for enumerations with the CopyWrite value |
Core | Smart enum for enumerations with the Core value |
CountDown | Smart enum for enumerations with the CountDown value |
CountUp | Smart enum for enumerations with the CountUp value |
CubeMap | Smart enum for enumerations with the CubeMap value |
CubeMapArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the CubeMapArray value |
CubeMapNegativeX | Smart enum for enumerations with the CubeMapNegativeX value |
CubeMapNegativeY | Smart enum for enumerations with the CubeMapNegativeY value |
CubeMapNegativeZ | Smart enum for enumerations with the CubeMapNegativeZ value |
CubeMapPositiveX | Smart enum for enumerations with the CubeMapPositiveX value |
CubeMapPositiveY | Smart enum for enumerations with the CubeMapPositiveY value |
CubeMapPositiveZ | Smart enum for enumerations with the CubeMapPositiveZ value |
CubicCurveTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the CubicCurveTo value |
CullFace | Smart enum for enumerations with the CullFace value |
Current | Smart enum for enumerations with the Current value |
CW | Smart enum for enumerations with the CW value |
Debug | Smart enum for enumerations with the Debug value |
DebugOutputSynchronous | Smart enum for enumerations with the DebugOutputSynchronous value |
Decr | Smart enum for enumerations with the Decr value |
DecrWrap | Smart enum for enumerations with the DecrWrap value |
DeprecatedBehavior | Smart enum for enumerations with the DeprecatedBehavior value |
Depth | Smart enum for enumerations with the Depth value |
Depth24Stencil8 | Smart enum for enumerations with the Depth24Stencil8 value |
Depth32fStencil8 | Smart enum for enumerations with the Depth32fStencil8 value |
DepthBuffer | Smart enum for enumerations with the DepthBuffer value |
DepthComponent | Smart enum for enumerations with the DepthComponent value |
DepthComponent16 | Smart enum for enumerations with the DepthComponent16 value |
DepthComponent24 | Smart enum for enumerations with the DepthComponent24 value |
DepthComponent32 | Smart enum for enumerations with the DepthComponent32 value |
DepthComponent32F | Smart enum for enumerations with the DepthComponent32F value |
DepthStencil | Smart enum for enumerations with the DepthStencil value |
DepthTest | Smart enum for enumerations with the DepthTest value |
DispatchIndirect | Smart enum for enumerations with the DispatchIndirect value |
Dither | Smart enum for enumerations with the Dither value |
DontCare | Smart enum for enumerations with the DontCare value |
Double | Smart enum for enumerations with the Double value |
DoubleMat2 | Smart enum for enumerations with the DoubleMat2 value |
DoubleMat2x3 | Smart enum for enumerations with the DoubleMat2x3 value |
DoubleMat2x4 | Smart enum for enumerations with the DoubleMat2x4 value |
DoubleMat3 | Smart enum for enumerations with the DoubleMat3 value |
DoubleMat3x2 | Smart enum for enumerations with the DoubleMat3x2 value |
DoubleMat3x4 | Smart enum for enumerations with the DoubleMat3x4 value |
DoubleMat4 | Smart enum for enumerations with the DoubleMat4 value |
DoubleMat4x2 | Smart enum for enumerations with the DoubleMat4x2 value |
DoubleMat4x3 | Smart enum for enumerations with the DoubleMat4x3 value |
DoubleVec2 | Smart enum for enumerations with the DoubleVec2 value |
DoubleVec3 | Smart enum for enumerations with the DoubleVec3 value |
DoubleVec4 | Smart enum for enumerations with the DoubleVec4 value |
Draw | Smart enum for enumerations with the Draw value |
DrawIndirect | Smart enum for enumerations with the DrawIndirect value |
DstAlpha | Smart enum for enumerations with the DstAlpha value |
DstColor | Smart enum for enumerations with the DstColor value |
DupFirstCubicCurveTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the DupFirstCubicCurveTo value |
DupLastCubicCurveTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the DupLastCubicCurveTo value |
DynamicCopy | Smart enum for enumerations with the DynamicCopy value |
DynamicDraw | Smart enum for enumerations with the DynamicDraw value |
DynamicRead | Smart enum for enumerations with the DynamicRead value |
DynamicStorage | Smart enum for enumerations with the DynamicStorage value |
ElementArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the ElementArray value |
Enable | Smart enum for enumerations with the Enable value |
Equal | Smart enum for enumerations with the Equal value |
Equiv | Smart enum for enumerations with the Equiv value |
Error | Smart enum for enumerations with the Error value |
Eval | Smart enum for enumerations with the Eval value |
ExternalVirtualMemory | Smart enum for enumerations with the ExternalVirtualMemory value |
EyeLinear | Smart enum for enumerations with the EyeLinear value |
Fastest | Smart enum for enumerations with the Fastest value |
Fence | Smart enum for enumerations with the Fence value |
FileName | Smart enum for enumerations with the FileName value |
Fill | Smart enum for enumerations with the Fill value |
FillCover | Smart enum for enumerations with the FillCover value |
FillMode | Smart enum for enumerations with the FillMode value |
FirstToRest | Smart enum for enumerations with the FirstToRest value |
FirstVertexConvention | Smart enum for enumerations with the FirstVertexConvention value |
Fixed | Smart enum for enumerations with the Fixed value |
Flat | Smart enum for enumerations with the Flat value |
Float | Smart enum for enumerations with the Float value |
Float_32UnsignedInt_24_8_Rev | Smart enum for enumerations with the Float_32UnsignedInt_24_8_Rev value |
FloatMat2 | Smart enum for enumerations with the FloatMat2 value |
FloatMat2x3 | Smart enum for enumerations with the FloatMat2x3 value |
FloatMat2x4 | Smart enum for enumerations with the FloatMat2x4 value |
FloatMat3 | Smart enum for enumerations with the FloatMat3 value |
FloatMat3x2 | Smart enum for enumerations with the FloatMat3x2 value |
FloatMat3x4 | Smart enum for enumerations with the FloatMat3x4 value |
FloatMat4 | Smart enum for enumerations with the FloatMat4 value |
FloatMat4x2 | Smart enum for enumerations with the FloatMat4x2 value |
FloatMat4x3 | Smart enum for enumerations with the FloatMat4x3 value |
FloatVec2 | Smart enum for enumerations with the FloatVec2 value |
FloatVec3 | Smart enum for enumerations with the FloatVec3 value |
FloatVec4 | Smart enum for enumerations with the FloatVec4 value |
FlushExplicit | Smart enum for enumerations with the FlushExplicit value |
Fog | Smart enum for enumerations with the Fog value |
FontAscender | Smart enum for enumerations with the FontAscender value |
FontDescender | Smart enum for enumerations with the FontDescender value |
FontHasKerning | Smart enum for enumerations with the FontHasKerning value |
FontHeight | Smart enum for enumerations with the FontHeight value |
FontMaxAdvanceHeight | Smart enum for enumerations with the FontMaxAdvanceHeight value |
FontMaxAdvanceWidth | Smart enum for enumerations with the FontMaxAdvanceWidth value |
FontUnderlinePosition | Smart enum for enumerations with the FontUnderlinePosition value |
FontUnderlineThickness | Smart enum for enumerations with the FontUnderlineThickness value |
FontUnitsPerEm | Smart enum for enumerations with the FontUnitsPerEm value |
FontXMaxBounds | Smart enum for enumerations with the FontXMaxBounds value |
FontXMinBounds | Smart enum for enumerations with the FontXMinBounds value |
FontYMaxBounds | Smart enum for enumerations with the FontYMaxBounds value |
FontYMinBounds | Smart enum for enumerations with the FontYMinBounds value |
ForwardCompatible | Smart enum for enumerations with the ForwardCompatible value |
FractionalEven | Smart enum for enumerations with the FractionalEven value |
FractionalOdd | Smart enum for enumerations with the FractionalOdd value |
Fragment | Smart enum for enumerations with the Fragment value |
FragmentShader | Smart enum for enumerations with the FragmentShader value |
FragmentShaderDerivative | Smart enum for enumerations with the FragmentShaderDerivative value |
FragmentSubroutine | Smart enum for enumerations with the FragmentSubroutine value |
FragmentSubroutineUniform | Smart enum for enumerations with the FragmentSubroutineUniform value |
Framebuffer | Smart enum for enumerations with the Framebuffer value |
FramebufferSRGB | Smart enum for enumerations with the FramebufferSRGB value |
Front | Smart enum for enumerations with the Front value |
FrontAndBack | Smart enum for enumerations with the FrontAndBack value |
FrontLeft | Smart enum for enumerations with the FrontLeft value |
FrontRight | Smart enum for enumerations with the FrontRight value |
G | Smart enum for enumerations with the G value |
Geometry | Smart enum for enumerations with the Geometry value |
GeometryShader | Smart enum for enumerations with the GeometryShader value |
GeometrySubroutine | Smart enum for enumerations with the GeometrySubroutine value |
GeometrySubroutineUniform | Smart enum for enumerations with the GeometrySubroutineUniform value |
GEqual | Smart enum for enumerations with the GEqual value |
GlyphHasKerning | Smart enum for enumerations with the GlyphHasKerning value |
GlyphHeight | Smart enum for enumerations with the GlyphHeight value |
GlyphHorizontalBearingAdvance | Smart enum for enumerations with the GlyphHorizontalBearingAdvance value |
GlyphHorizontalBearingX | Smart enum for enumerations with the GlyphHorizontalBearingX value |
GlyphHorizontalBearingY | Smart enum for enumerations with the GlyphHorizontalBearingY value |
GlyphVerticalBearingAdvance | Smart enum for enumerations with the GlyphVerticalBearingAdvance value |
GlyphVerticalBearingX | Smart enum for enumerations with the GlyphVerticalBearingX value |
GlyphVerticalBearingY | Smart enum for enumerations with the GlyphVerticalBearingY value |
GlyphWidth | Smart enum for enumerations with the GlyphWidth value |
GPUCommandsComplete | Smart enum for enumerations with the GPUCommandsComplete value |
Greater | Smart enum for enumerations with the Greater value |
Green | Smart enum for enumerations with the Green value |
GreenInteger | Smart enum for enumerations with the GreenInteger value |
GuiltyContextReset | Smart enum for enumerations with the GuiltyContextReset value |
HalfFloat | Smart enum for enumerations with the HalfFloat value |
High | Smart enum for enumerations with the High value |
HighFloat | Smart enum for enumerations with the HighFloat value |
HighInt | Smart enum for enumerations with the HighInt value |
Hint | Smart enum for enumerations with the Hint value |
HorizontalLineTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the HorizontalLineTo value |
Image1D | Smart enum for enumerations with the Image1D value |
Image1DArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the Image1DArray value |
Image2D | Smart enum for enumerations with the Image2D value |
Image2DArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the Image2DArray value |
Image2DMultisample | Smart enum for enumerations with the Image2DMultisample value |
Image2DMultisampleArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the Image2DMultisampleArray value |
Image2DRect | Smart enum for enumerations with the Image2DRect value |
Image3D | Smart enum for enumerations with the Image3D value |
ImageBuffer | Smart enum for enumerations with the ImageBuffer value |
ImageCube | Smart enum for enumerations with the ImageCube value |
IncompleteAttachment | Smart enum for enumerations with the IncompleteAttachment value |
IncompleteLayerTargets | Smart enum for enumerations with the IncompleteLayerTargets value |
IncompleteMissingAttachment | Smart enum for enumerations with the IncompleteMissingAttachment value |
IncompleteMultisample | Smart enum for enumerations with the IncompleteMultisample value |
Incr | Smart enum for enumerations with the Incr value |
IncrWrap | Smart enum for enumerations with the IncrWrap value |
InnocentContextReset | Smart enum for enumerations with the InnocentContextReset value |
Int | Smart enum for enumerations with the Int value |
Intensity | Smart enum for enumerations with the Intensity value |
InterleavedAttribs | Smart enum for enumerations with the InterleavedAttribs value |
IntImage1D | Smart enum for enumerations with the IntImage1D value |
IntImage1DArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the IntImage1DArray value |
IntImage2D | Smart enum for enumerations with the IntImage2D value |
IntImage2DArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the IntImage2DArray value |
IntImage2DMultisample | Smart enum for enumerations with the IntImage2DMultisample value |
IntImage2DMultisampleArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the IntImage2DMultisampleArray value |
IntImage2DRect | Smart enum for enumerations with the IntImage2DRect value |
IntImage3D | Smart enum for enumerations with the IntImage3D value |
IntImageBuffer | Smart enum for enumerations with the IntImageBuffer value |
IntImageCube | Smart enum for enumerations with the IntImageCube value |
IntSampler1D | Smart enum for enumerations with the IntSampler1D value |
IntSampler1DArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the IntSampler1DArray value |
IntSampler2D | Smart enum for enumerations with the IntSampler2D value |
IntSampler2DArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the IntSampler2DArray value |
IntSampler2DMultisample | Smart enum for enumerations with the IntSampler2DMultisample value |
IntSampler2DMultisampleArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the IntSampler2DMultisampleArray value |
IntSampler2DRect | Smart enum for enumerations with the IntSampler2DRect value |
IntSampler3D | Smart enum for enumerations with the IntSampler3D value |
IntSamplerBuffer | Smart enum for enumerations with the IntSamplerBuffer value |
IntSamplerCube | Smart enum for enumerations with the IntSamplerCube value |
IntSamplerCubeMapArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the IntSamplerCubeMapArray value |
IntVec2 | Smart enum for enumerations with the IntVec2 value |
IntVec3 | Smart enum for enumerations with the IntVec3 value |
IntVec4 | Smart enum for enumerations with the IntVec4 value |
InvalidateBuffer | Smart enum for enumerations with the InvalidateBuffer value |
InvalidateRange | Smart enum for enumerations with the InvalidateRange value |
InvalidEnum | Smart enum for enumerations with the InvalidEnum value |
InvalidFramebufferOperation | Smart enum for enumerations with the InvalidFramebufferOperation value |
InvalidOperation | Smart enum for enumerations with the InvalidOperation value |
InvalidValue | Smart enum for enumerations with the InvalidValue value |
Invert | Smart enum for enumerations with the Invert value |
Isolines | Smart enum for enumerations with the Isolines value |
IsPerPatch | Smart enum for enumerations with the IsPerPatch value |
IsRowMajor | Smart enum for enumerations with the IsRowMajor value |
Italic | Smart enum for enumerations with the Italic value |
Keep | Smart enum for enumerations with the Keep value |
LargeCCWArcTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the LargeCCWArcTo value |
LargeCWArcTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the LargeCWArcTo value |
LastVertexConvention | Smart enum for enumerations with the LastVertexConvention value |
Left | Smart enum for enumerations with the Left value |
LEqual | Smart enum for enumerations with the LEqual value |
Less | Smart enum for enumerations with the Less value |
Lighting | Smart enum for enumerations with the Lighting value |
Line | Smart enum for enumerations with the Line value |
Linear | Smart enum for enumerations with the Linear value |
LinearMipmapLinear | Smart enum for enumerations with the LinearMipmapLinear value |
LinearMipmapNearest | Smart enum for enumerations with the LinearMipmapNearest value |
LineLoop | Smart enum for enumerations with the LineLoop value |
Lines | Smart enum for enumerations with the Lines value |
LinesAdjacency | Smart enum for enumerations with the LinesAdjacency value |
LineSmooth | Smart enum for enumerations with the LineSmooth value |
LineStrip | Smart enum for enumerations with the LineStrip value |
LineStripAdjacency | Smart enum for enumerations with the LineStripAdjacency value |
LineTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the LineTo value |
List | Smart enum for enumerations with the List value |
Location | Smart enum for enumerations with the Location value |
LocationComponent | Smart enum for enumerations with the LocationComponent value |
LocationIndex | Smart enum for enumerations with the LocationIndex value |
LoseContextOnReset | Smart enum for enumerations with the LoseContextOnReset value |
Low | Smart enum for enumerations with the Low value |
LowFloat | Smart enum for enumerations with the LowFloat value |
LowInt | Smart enum for enumerations with the LowInt value |
Luminance | Smart enum for enumerations with the Luminance value |
LuminanceAlpha | Smart enum for enumerations with the LuminanceAlpha value |
MapCoherent | Smart enum for enumerations with the MapCoherent value |
MapPersistent | Smart enum for enumerations with the MapPersistent value |
MapRead | Smart enum for enumerations with the MapRead value |
MapWrite | Smart enum for enumerations with the MapWrite value |
Marker | Smart enum for enumerations with the Marker value |
MatrixStride | Smart enum for enumerations with the MatrixStride value |
Max | Smart enum for enumerations with the Max value |
Max3DTextureSize | Smart enum for enumerations with the Max3DTextureSize value |
MaxArrayTextureLayers | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxArrayTextureLayers value |
MaxAtomicCounterBufferBindings | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxAtomicCounterBufferBindings value |
MaxAtomicCounterBufferSize | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxAtomicCounterBufferSize value |
MaxClipDistances | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxClipDistances value |
MaxColorAttachments | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxColorAttachments value |
MaxColorTextureSamples | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxColorTextureSamples value |
MaxCombinedAtomicCounterBuffers | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxCombinedAtomicCounterBuffers value |
MaxCombinedAtomicCounters | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxCombinedAtomicCounters value |
MaxCombinedFragmentUniformComponents | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxCombinedFragmentUniformComponents value |
MaxCombinedGeometryUniformComponents | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxCombinedGeometryUniformComponents value |
MaxCombinedImageUniforms | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxCombinedImageUniforms value |
MaxCombinedImageUnitsAndFragmentOutputs | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxCombinedImageUnitsAndFragmentOutputs value |
MaxCombinedTessControlUniformComponents | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxCombinedTessControlUniformComponents value |
MaxCombinedTessEvaluationUniformComponents | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxCombinedTessEvaluationUniformComponents value |
MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits value |
MaxCombinedUniformBlocks | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxCombinedUniformBlocks value |
MaxCombinedVertexUniformComponents | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxCombinedVertexUniformComponents value |
MaxComputeSharedMemorySize | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxComputeSharedMemorySize value |
MaxComputeWorkGroupCount | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxComputeWorkGroupCount value |
MaxComputeWorkGroupInvocations | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxComputeWorkGroupInvocations value |
MaxComputeWorkGroupSize | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxComputeWorkGroupSize value |
MaxCubeMapTextureSize | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxCubeMapTextureSize value |
MaxDepthTextureSamples | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxDepthTextureSamples value |
MaxDrawBuffers | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxDrawBuffers value |
MaxDualSourceDrawBuffers | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxDualSourceDrawBuffers value |
MaxElementsIndices | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxElementsIndices value |
MaxElementsVertices | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxElementsVertices value |
MaxFragmentAtomicCounterBuffers | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxFragmentAtomicCounterBuffers value |
MaxFragmentAtomicCounters | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxFragmentAtomicCounters value |
MaxFragmentImageUniforms | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxFragmentImageUniforms value |
MaxFragmentInputComponents | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxFragmentInputComponents value |
MaxFragmentInterpolationOffset | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxFragmentInterpolationOffset value |
MaxFragmentUniformBlocks | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxFragmentUniformBlocks value |
MaxFragmentUniformComponents | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxFragmentUniformComponents value |
MaxFragmentUniformVectors | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxFragmentUniformVectors value |
MaxGeometryAtomicCounterBuffers | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxGeometryAtomicCounterBuffers value |
MaxGeometryAtomicCounters | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxGeometryAtomicCounters value |
MaxGeometryImageUniforms | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxGeometryImageUniforms value |
MaxGeometryInputComponents | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxGeometryInputComponents value |
MaxGeometryOutputComponents | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxGeometryOutputComponents value |
MaxGeometryOutputVertices | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxGeometryOutputVertices value |
MaxGeometryShaderInvocations | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxGeometryShaderInvocations value |
MaxGeometryTextureImageUnits | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxGeometryTextureImageUnits value |
MaxGeometryTotalOutputComponents | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxGeometryTotalOutputComponents value |
MaxGeometryUniformBlocks | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxGeometryUniformBlocks value |
MaxGeometryUniformComponents | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxGeometryUniformComponents value |
MaxImageSamples | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxImageSamples value |
MaxImageUnits | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxImageUnits value |
MaxIntegerSamples | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxIntegerSamples value |
MaxPatchVertices | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxPatchVertices value |
MaxProgramTexelOffset | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxProgramTexelOffset value |
MaxProgramTextureGatherOffset | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxProgramTextureGatherOffset value |
MaxRectangleTextureSize | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxRectangleTextureSize value |
MaxRenderbufferSize | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxRenderbufferSize value |
MaxSampleMaskWords | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxSampleMaskWords value |
MaxSamples | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxSamples value |
MaxServerWaitTimeout | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxServerWaitTimeout value |
MaxSubroutines | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxSubroutines value |
MaxSubroutineUniformLocations | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxSubroutineUniformLocations value |
MaxTessControlAtomicCounterBuffers | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTessControlAtomicCounterBuffers value |
MaxTessControlAtomicCounters | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTessControlAtomicCounters value |
MaxTessControlImageUniforms | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTessControlImageUniforms value |
MaxTessControlInputComponents | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTessControlInputComponents value |
MaxTessControlOutputComponents | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTessControlOutputComponents value |
MaxTessControlTextureImageUnits | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTessControlTextureImageUnits value |
MaxTessControlTotalOutputComponents | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTessControlTotalOutputComponents value |
MaxTessControlUniformBlocks | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTessControlUniformBlocks value |
MaxTessControlUniformComponents | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTessControlUniformComponents value |
MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounterBuffers | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounterBuffers value |
MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounters | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounters value |
MaxTessEvaluationImageUniforms | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTessEvaluationImageUniforms value |
MaxTessEvaluationInputComponents | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTessEvaluationInputComponents value |
MaxTessEvaluationOutputComponents | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTessEvaluationOutputComponents value |
MaxTessEvaluationTextureImageUnits | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTessEvaluationTextureImageUnits value |
MaxTessEvaluationUniformBlocks | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTessEvaluationUniformBlocks value |
MaxTessEvaluationUniformComponents | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTessEvaluationUniformComponents value |
MaxTessGenLevel | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTessGenLevel value |
MaxTessPatchComponents | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTessPatchComponents value |
MaxTextureBufferSize | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTextureBufferSize value |
MaxTextureImageUnits | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTextureImageUnits value |
MaxTextureLodBias | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTextureLodBias value |
MaxTextureSize | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTextureSize value |
MaxTransformFeedbackBuffers | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTransformFeedbackBuffers value |
MaxTransformFeedbackInterleavedComponents | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTransformFeedbackInterleavedComponents value |
MaxTransformFeedbackSeparateAttribs | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTransformFeedbackSeparateAttribs value |
MaxTransformFeedbackSeparateComponents | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxTransformFeedbackSeparateComponents value |
MaxUniformBlockSize | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxUniformBlockSize value |
MaxUniformBufferBindings | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxUniformBufferBindings value |
MaxVaryingComponents | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxVaryingComponents value |
MaxVaryingVectors | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxVaryingVectors value |
MaxVertexAtomicCounterBuffers | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxVertexAtomicCounterBuffers value |
MaxVertexAtomicCounters | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxVertexAtomicCounters value |
MaxVertexAttribs | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxVertexAttribs value |
MaxVertexImageUniforms | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxVertexImageUniforms value |
MaxVertexOutputComponents | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxVertexOutputComponents value |
MaxVertexStreams | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxVertexStreams value |
MaxVertexTextureImageUnits | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxVertexTextureImageUnits value |
MaxVertexUniformBlocks | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxVertexUniformBlocks value |
MaxVertexUniformComponents | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxVertexUniformComponents value |
MaxVertexUniformVectors | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxVertexUniformVectors value |
MaxViewportDims | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxViewportDims value |
MaxViewports | Smart enum for enumerations with the MaxViewports value |
Medium | Smart enum for enumerations with the Medium value |
MediumFloat | Smart enum for enumerations with the MediumFloat value |
MediumInt | Smart enum for enumerations with the MediumInt value |
Min | Smart enum for enumerations with the Min value |
MinFragmentInterpolationOffset | Smart enum for enumerations with the MinFragmentInterpolationOffset value |
MinMapBufferAlignment | Smart enum for enumerations with the MinMapBufferAlignment value |
MinProgramTexelOffset | Smart enum for enumerations with the MinProgramTexelOffset value |
MinProgramTextureGatherOffset | Smart enum for enumerations with the MinProgramTextureGatherOffset value |
MinSampleShadingValue | Smart enum for enumerations with the MinSampleShadingValue value |
MirrorClampToEdge | Smart enum for enumerations with the MirrorClampToEdge value |
MirroredRepeat | Smart enum for enumerations with the MirroredRepeat value |
MiterRevert | Smart enum for enumerations with the MiterRevert value |
MiterTruncate | Smart enum for enumerations with the MiterTruncate value |
Modelview | Smart enum for enumerations with the Modelview value |
MoveTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the MoveTo value |
MoveToContinues | Smart enum for enumerations with the MoveToContinues value |
MoveToReset | Smart enum for enumerations with the MoveToReset value |
Multisample | Smart enum for enumerations with the Multisample value |
Nand | Smart enum for enumerations with the Nand value |
Nearest | Smart enum for enumerations with the Nearest value |
NearestMipmapLinear | Smart enum for enumerations with the NearestMipmapLinear value |
NearestMipmapNearest | Smart enum for enumerations with the NearestMipmapNearest value |
Never | Smart enum for enumerations with the Never value |
Nicest | Smart enum for enumerations with the Nicest value |
NoError | Smart enum for enumerations with the NoError value |
None | Smart enum for enumerations with the None value |
Noop | Smart enum for enumerations with the Noop value |
Nor | Smart enum for enumerations with the Nor value |
NoResetNotification | Smart enum for enumerations with the NoResetNotification value |
NotEqual | Smart enum for enumerations with the NotEqual value |
Notification | Smart enum for enumerations with the Notification value |
NumActiveVariables | Smart enum for enumerations with the NumActiveVariables value |
NumCompatibleSubroutines | Smart enum for enumerations with the NumCompatibleSubroutines value |
ObjectBoundingBox | Smart enum for enumerations with the ObjectBoundingBox value |
ObjectLinear | Smart enum for enumerations with the ObjectLinear value |
Offset | Smart enum for enumerations with the Offset value |
One | Smart enum for enumerations with the One value |
OneMinusConstantAlpha | Smart enum for enumerations with the OneMinusConstantAlpha value |
OneMinusConstantColor | Smart enum for enumerations with the OneMinusConstantColor value |
OneMinusDstAlpha | Smart enum for enumerations with the OneMinusDstAlpha value |
OneMinusDstColor | Smart enum for enumerations with the OneMinusDstColor value |
OneMinusSrc1Alpha | Smart enum for enumerations with the OneMinusSrc1Alpha value |
OneMinusSrc1Color | Smart enum for enumerations with the OneMinusSrc1Color value |
OneMinusSrcAlpha | Smart enum for enumerations with the OneMinusSrcAlpha value |
OneMinusSrcColor | Smart enum for enumerations with the OneMinusSrcColor value |
Or | Smart enum for enumerations with the Or value |
OrInverted | Smart enum for enumerations with the OrInverted value |
OrReverse | Smart enum for enumerations with the OrReverse value |
Other | Smart enum for enumerations with the Other value |
OutOfMemory | Smart enum for enumerations with the OutOfMemory value |
PackAlignment | Smart enum for enumerations with the PackAlignment value |
PackCompressedBlockDepth | Smart enum for enumerations with the PackCompressedBlockDepth value |
PackCompressedBlockHeight | Smart enum for enumerations with the PackCompressedBlockHeight value |
PackCompressedBlockSize | Smart enum for enumerations with the PackCompressedBlockSize value |
PackCompressedBlockWidth | Smart enum for enumerations with the PackCompressedBlockWidth value |
PackImageHeight | Smart enum for enumerations with the PackImageHeight value |
PackLsbFirst | Smart enum for enumerations with the PackLsbFirst value |
PackRowLength | Smart enum for enumerations with the PackRowLength value |
PackSkipImages | Smart enum for enumerations with the PackSkipImages value |
PackSkipPixels | Smart enum for enumerations with the PackSkipPixels value |
PackSkipRows | Smart enum for enumerations with the PackSkipRows value |
PackSwapBytes | Smart enum for enumerations with the PackSwapBytes value |
Parameter | Smart enum for enumerations with the Parameter value |
PatchDefaultInnerLevel | Smart enum for enumerations with the PatchDefaultInnerLevel value |
PatchDefaultOuterLevel | Smart enum for enumerations with the PatchDefaultOuterLevel value |
Patches | Smart enum for enumerations with the Patches value |
PatchVertices | Smart enum for enumerations with the PatchVertices value |
Percentage | Smart enum for enumerations with the Percentage value |
Performance | Smart enum for enumerations with the Performance value |
Persistent | Smart enum for enumerations with the Persistent value |
PixelBuffer | Smart enum for enumerations with the PixelBuffer value |
PixelMode | Smart enum for enumerations with the PixelMode value |
PixelPack | Smart enum for enumerations with the PixelPack value |
PixelStore | Smart enum for enumerations with the PixelStore value |
PixelUnpack | Smart enum for enumerations with the PixelUnpack value |
Point | Smart enum for enumerations with the Point value |
Points | Smart enum for enumerations with the Points value |
Polygon | Smart enum for enumerations with the Polygon value |
PolygonOffsetFill | Smart enum for enumerations with the PolygonOffsetFill value |
PolygonOffsetLine | Smart enum for enumerations with the PolygonOffsetLine value |
PolygonOffsetPoint | Smart enum for enumerations with the PolygonOffsetPoint value |
PolygonSmooth | Smart enum for enumerations with the PolygonSmooth value |
PolygonStipple | Smart enum for enumerations with the PolygonStipple value |
PopGroup | Smart enum for enumerations with the PopGroup value |
Portability | Smart enum for enumerations with the Portability value |
Primary | Smart enum for enumerations with the Primary value |
PrimitiveRestart | Smart enum for enumerations with the PrimitiveRestart value |
PrimitivesGenerated | Smart enum for enumerations with the PrimitivesGenerated value |
Program | Smart enum for enumerations with the Program value |
ProgramInput | Smart enum for enumerations with the ProgramInput value |
ProgramOutput | Smart enum for enumerations with the ProgramOutput value |
ProgramPipeline | Smart enum for enumerations with the ProgramPipeline value |
ProgramPointSize | Smart enum for enumerations with the ProgramPointSize value |
Projection | Smart enum for enumerations with the Projection value |
PS | Smart enum for enumerations with the PS value |
PushGroup | Smart enum for enumerations with the PushGroup value |
QuadraticCurveTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the QuadraticCurveTo value |
Quads | Smart enum for enumerations with the Quads value |
QuadStrip | Smart enum for enumerations with the QuadStrip value |
Query | Smart enum for enumerations with the Query value |
R | Smart enum for enumerations with the R value |
R11FG11FB10F | Smart enum for enumerations with the R11FG11FB10F value |
R16 | Smart enum for enumerations with the R16 value |
R16F | Smart enum for enumerations with the R16F value |
R16I | Smart enum for enumerations with the R16I value |
R16SNorm | Smart enum for enumerations with the R16SNorm value |
R16UI | Smart enum for enumerations with the R16UI value |
R32F | Smart enum for enumerations with the R32F value |
R32I | Smart enum for enumerations with the R32I value |
R32UI | Smart enum for enumerations with the R32UI value |
R3G3B2 | Smart enum for enumerations with the R3G3B2 value |
R8 | Smart enum for enumerations with the R8 value |
R8I | Smart enum for enumerations with the R8I value |
R8SNorm | Smart enum for enumerations with the R8SNorm value |
R8UI | Smart enum for enumerations with the R8UI value |
RasterizerDiscard | Smart enum for enumerations with the RasterizerDiscard value |
Read | Smart enum for enumerations with the Read value |
ReadOnly | Smart enum for enumerations with the ReadOnly value |
ReadWrite | Smart enum for enumerations with the ReadWrite value |
Rect | Smart enum for enumerations with the Rect value |
Rectangle | Smart enum for enumerations with the Rectangle value |
Red | Smart enum for enumerations with the Red value |
RedInteger | Smart enum for enumerations with the RedInteger value |
ReferencedByComputeShader | Smart enum for enumerations with the ReferencedByComputeShader value |
ReferencedByFragmentShader | Smart enum for enumerations with the ReferencedByFragmentShader value |
ReferencedByGeometryShader | Smart enum for enumerations with the ReferencedByGeometryShader value |
ReferencedByTessControlShader | Smart enum for enumerations with the ReferencedByTessControlShader value |
ReferencedByTessEvaluationShader | Smart enum for enumerations with the ReferencedByTessEvaluationShader value |
ReferencedByVertexShader | Smart enum for enumerations with the ReferencedByVertexShader value |
RelativeArcTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the RelativeArcTo value |
RelativeCubicCurveTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the RelativeCubicCurveTo value |
RelativeHorizontalLineTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the RelativeHorizontalLineTo value |
RelativeLargeCCWArcTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the RelativeLargeCCWArcTo value |
RelativeLargeCWArcTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the RelativeLargeCWArcTo value |
RelativeLineTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the RelativeLineTo value |
RelativeMoveTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the RelativeMoveTo value |
RelativeQuadraticCurveTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the RelativeQuadraticCurveTo value |
RelativeSmallCCWArcTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the RelativeSmallCCWArcTo value |
RelativeSmallCWArcTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the RelativeSmallCWArcTo value |
RelativeSmoothCubicCurveTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the RelativeSmoothCubicCurveTo value |
RelativeSmoothQuadraticCurveTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the RelativeSmoothQuadraticCurveTo value |
RelativeVerticalLineTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the RelativeVerticalLineTo value |
Renderbuffer | Smart enum for enumerations with the Renderbuffer value |
Renderer | Smart enum for enumerations with the Renderer value |
Repeat | Smart enum for enumerations with the Repeat value |
Replace | Smart enum for enumerations with the Replace value |
Restart | Smart enum for enumerations with the Restart value |
ReverseSubtract | Smart enum for enumerations with the ReverseSubtract value |
RG | Smart enum for enumerations with the RG value |
RG16 | Smart enum for enumerations with the RG16 value |
RG16F | Smart enum for enumerations with the RG16F value |
RG16I | Smart enum for enumerations with the RG16I value |
RG16SNorm | Smart enum for enumerations with the RG16SNorm value |
RG16UI | Smart enum for enumerations with the RG16UI value |
RG32F | Smart enum for enumerations with the RG32F value |
RG32I | Smart enum for enumerations with the RG32I value |
RG32UI | Smart enum for enumerations with the RG32UI value |
RG8 | Smart enum for enumerations with the RG8 value |
RG8I | Smart enum for enumerations with the RG8I value |
RG8SNorm | Smart enum for enumerations with the RG8SNorm value |
RG8UI | Smart enum for enumerations with the RG8UI value |
RGB | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGB value |
RGB10 | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGB10 value |
RGB10A2 | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGB10A2 value |
RGB10A2UI | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGB10A2UI value |
RGB10_A2UI | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGB10_A2UI value |
RGB12 | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGB12 value |
RGB16 | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGB16 value |
RGB16F | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGB16F value |
RGB16I | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGB16I value |
RGB16SNorm | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGB16SNorm value |
RGB16UI | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGB16UI value |
RGB32F | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGB32F value |
RGB32I | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGB32I value |
RGB32UI | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGB32UI value |
RGB4 | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGB4 value |
RGB5 | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGB5 value |
RGB5A1 | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGB5A1 value |
RGB8 | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGB8 value |
RGB8I | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGB8I value |
RGB8SNorm | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGB8SNorm value |
RGB8UI | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGB8UI value |
RGB9E5 | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGB9E5 value |
RGBA | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGBA value |
RGBA12 | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGBA12 value |
RGBA16 | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGBA16 value |
RGBA16F | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGBA16F value |
RGBA16I | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGBA16I value |
RGBA16SNorm | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGBA16SNorm value |
RGBA16UI | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGBA16UI value |
RGBA2 | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGBA2 value |
RGBA32F | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGBA32F value |
RGBA32I | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGBA32I value |
RGBA32UI | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGBA32UI value |
RGBA4 | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGBA4 value |
RGBA8 | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGBA8 value |
RGBA8I | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGBA8I value |
RGBA8SNorm | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGBA8SNorm value |
RGBA8UI | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGBA8UI value |
RGBAInteger | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGBAInteger value |
RGBInteger | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGBInteger value |
RGInteger | Smart enum for enumerations with the RGInteger value |
Right | Smart enum for enumerations with the Right value |
RobustAccess | Smart enum for enumerations with the RobustAccess value |
Round | Smart enum for enumerations with the Round value |
S | Smart enum for enumerations with the S value |
SampleAlphaToCoverage | Smart enum for enumerations with the SampleAlphaToCoverage value |
SampleAlphaToOne | Smart enum for enumerations with the SampleAlphaToOne value |
SampleCoverage | Smart enum for enumerations with the SampleCoverage value |
SampleMask | Smart enum for enumerations with the SampleMask value |
Sampler | Smart enum for enumerations with the Sampler value |
Sampler1D | Smart enum for enumerations with the Sampler1D value |
Sampler1DArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the Sampler1DArray value |
Sampler1DArrayShadow | Smart enum for enumerations with the Sampler1DArrayShadow value |
Sampler1DShadow | Smart enum for enumerations with the Sampler1DShadow value |
Sampler2D | Smart enum for enumerations with the Sampler2D value |
Sampler2DArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the Sampler2DArray value |
Sampler2DArrayShadow | Smart enum for enumerations with the Sampler2DArrayShadow value |
Sampler2DMultisample | Smart enum for enumerations with the Sampler2DMultisample value |
Sampler2DMultisampleArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the Sampler2DMultisampleArray value |
Sampler2DRect | Smart enum for enumerations with the Sampler2DRect value |
Sampler2DRectShadow | Smart enum for enumerations with the Sampler2DRectShadow value |
Sampler2DShadow | Smart enum for enumerations with the Sampler2DShadow value |
Sampler3D | Smart enum for enumerations with the Sampler3D value |
SamplerBuffer | Smart enum for enumerations with the SamplerBuffer value |
SamplerCube | Smart enum for enumerations with the SamplerCube value |
SamplerCubeMapArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the SamplerCubeMapArray value |
SamplerCubeMapArrayShadow | Smart enum for enumerations with the SamplerCubeMapArrayShadow value |
SamplerCubeShadow | Smart enum for enumerations with the SamplerCubeShadow value |
SampleShading | Smart enum for enumerations with the SampleShading value |
SamplesPassed | Smart enum for enumerations with the SamplesPassed value |
Scissor | Smart enum for enumerations with the Scissor value |
ScissorTest | Smart enum for enumerations with the ScissorTest value |
Secondary | Smart enum for enumerations with the Secondary value |
SeparateAttribs | Smart enum for enumerations with the SeparateAttribs value |
Set | Smart enum for enumerations with the Set value |
Shader | Smart enum for enumerations with the Shader value |
ShaderCompiler | Smart enum for enumerations with the ShaderCompiler value |
ShaderImageAccess | Smart enum for enumerations with the ShaderImageAccess value |
ShaderInclude | Smart enum for enumerations with the ShaderInclude value |
ShaderStorage | Smart enum for enumerations with the ShaderStorage value |
ShaderStorageBlock | Smart enum for enumerations with the ShaderStorageBlock value |
ShadingLanguageVersion | Smart enum for enumerations with the ShadingLanguageVersion value |
Short | Smart enum for enumerations with the Short value |
Signaled | Smart enum for enumerations with the Signaled value |
Skip | Smart enum for enumerations with the Skip value |
SmallCCWArcTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the SmallCCWArcTo value |
SmallCWArcTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the SmallCWArcTo value |
SmoothCubicCurveTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the SmoothCubicCurveTo value |
SmoothQuadraticCurveTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the SmoothQuadraticCurveTo value |
Square | Smart enum for enumerations with the Square value |
Src1Alpha | Smart enum for enumerations with the Src1Alpha value |
Src1Color | Smart enum for enumerations with the Src1Color value |
SrcAlpha | Smart enum for enumerations with the SrcAlpha value |
SrcAlphaSaturate | Smart enum for enumerations with the SrcAlphaSaturate value |
SrcColor | Smart enum for enumerations with the SrcColor value |
SRGB8 | Smart enum for enumerations with the SRGB8 value |
SRGB8Alpha8 | Smart enum for enumerations with the SRGB8Alpha8 value |
StackOverflow | Smart enum for enumerations with the StackOverflow value |
StackUnderflow | Smart enum for enumerations with the StackUnderflow value |
Standard | Smart enum for enumerations with the Standard value |
StaticCopy | Smart enum for enumerations with the StaticCopy value |
StaticDraw | Smart enum for enumerations with the StaticDraw value |
StaticRead | Smart enum for enumerations with the StaticRead value |
Stencil | Smart enum for enumerations with the Stencil value |
StencilBuffer | Smart enum for enumerations with the StencilBuffer value |
StencilIndex | Smart enum for enumerations with the StencilIndex value |
StencilIndex8 | Smart enum for enumerations with the StencilIndex8 value |
StencilTest | Smart enum for enumerations with the StencilTest value |
StreamCopy | Smart enum for enumerations with the StreamCopy value |
StreamDraw | Smart enum for enumerations with the StreamDraw value |
StreamRasterization | Smart enum for enumerations with the StreamRasterization value |
StreamRead | Smart enum for enumerations with the StreamRead value |
StrokeCover | Smart enum for enumerations with the StrokeCover value |
Subtract | Smart enum for enumerations with the Subtract value |
SVG | Smart enum for enumerations with the SVG value |
System | Smart enum for enumerations with the System value |
T | Smart enum for enumerations with the T value |
TableTooLarge | Smart enum for enumerations with the TableTooLarge value |
TessControl | Smart enum for enumerations with the TessControl value |
TessControlShader | Smart enum for enumerations with the TessControlShader value |
TessControlSubroutine | Smart enum for enumerations with the TessControlSubroutine value |
TessControlSubroutineUniform | Smart enum for enumerations with the TessControlSubroutineUniform value |
TessEvaluation | Smart enum for enumerations with the TessEvaluation value |
TessEvaluationShader | Smart enum for enumerations with the TessEvaluationShader value |
TessEvaluationSubroutine | Smart enum for enumerations with the TessEvaluationSubroutine value |
TessEvaluationSubroutineUniform | Smart enum for enumerations with the TessEvaluationSubroutineUniform value |
Texture | Smart enum for enumerations with the Texture value |
TextureCompression | Smart enum for enumerations with the TextureCompression value |
TextureCubeMapSeamless | Smart enum for enumerations with the TextureCubeMapSeamless value |
TextureFetch | Smart enum for enumerations with the TextureFetch value |
TextureUpdate | Smart enum for enumerations with the TextureUpdate value |
ThirdParty | Smart enum for enumerations with the ThirdParty value |
TimeElapsed | Smart enum for enumerations with the TimeElapsed value |
TimeoutExpired | Smart enum for enumerations with the TimeoutExpired value |
Timestamp | Smart enum for enumerations with the Timestamp value |
TopLevelArraySize | Smart enum for enumerations with the TopLevelArraySize value |
TopLevelArrayStride | Smart enum for enumerations with the TopLevelArrayStride value |
Transform | Smart enum for enumerations with the Transform value |
TransformFeedback | Smart enum for enumerations with the TransformFeedback value |
TransformFeedbackBufferIndex | Smart enum for enumerations with the TransformFeedbackBufferIndex value |
TransformFeedbackBufferStride | Smart enum for enumerations with the TransformFeedbackBufferStride value |
TransformFeedbackPrimitivesWritten | Smart enum for enumerations with the TransformFeedbackPrimitivesWritten value |
TransformFeedebackVarying | Smart enum for enumerations with the TransformFeedebackVarying value |
Translate2D | Smart enum for enumerations with the Translate2D value |
Translate3D | Smart enum for enumerations with the Translate3D value |
TranslateX | Smart enum for enumerations with the TranslateX value |
TranslateY | Smart enum for enumerations with the TranslateY value |
TransposeAffine2D | Smart enum for enumerations with the TransposeAffine2D value |
TransposeAffine3D | Smart enum for enumerations with the TransposeAffine3D value |
TriangleFan | Smart enum for enumerations with the TriangleFan value |
Triangles | Smart enum for enumerations with the Triangles value |
TrianglesAdjacency | Smart enum for enumerations with the TrianglesAdjacency value |
TriangleStrip | Smart enum for enumerations with the TriangleStrip value |
TriangleStripAdjacency | Smart enum for enumerations with the TriangleStripAdjacency value |
Triangular | Smart enum for enumerations with the Triangular value |
Undefined | Smart enum for enumerations with the Undefined value |
UndefinedBehavior | Smart enum for enumerations with the UndefinedBehavior value |
Uniform | Smart enum for enumerations with the Uniform value |
UniformBlock | Smart enum for enumerations with the UniformBlock value |
UnknownContextReset | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnknownContextReset value |
UnpackAlignment | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnpackAlignment value |
UnpackCompressedBlockDepth | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnpackCompressedBlockDepth value |
UnpackCompressedBlockHeight | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnpackCompressedBlockHeight value |
UnpackCompressedBlockSize | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnpackCompressedBlockSize value |
UnpackCompressedBlockWidth | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnpackCompressedBlockWidth value |
UnpackImageHeight | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnpackImageHeight value |
UnpackLsbFirst | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnpackLsbFirst value |
UnpackRowLength | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnpackRowLength value |
UnpackSkipImages | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnpackSkipImages value |
UnpackSkipPixels | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnpackSkipPixels value |
UnpackSkipRows | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnpackSkipRows value |
UnpackSwapBytes | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnpackSwapBytes value |
Unsignaled | Smart enum for enumerations with the Unsignaled value |
UnsignedByte | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedByte value |
UnsignedByte_2_3_3_Rev | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedByte_2_3_3_Rev value |
UnsignedByte_3_3_2 | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedByte_3_3_2 value |
UnsignedInt | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedInt value |
UnsignedInt_10_10_10_2 | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedInt_10_10_10_2 value |
UnsignedInt_10f_11f_11f_Rev | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedInt_10f_11f_11f_Rev value |
UnsignedInt_2_10_10_10_Rev | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedInt_2_10_10_10_Rev value |
UnsignedInt_24_8 | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedInt_24_8 value |
UnsignedInt_5_9_9_9_Rev | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedInt_5_9_9_9_Rev value |
UnsignedInt64 | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedInt64 value |
UnsignedInt_8_8_8_8 | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedInt_8_8_8_8 value |
UnsignedInt_8_8_8_8_Rev | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedInt_8_8_8_8_Rev value |
UnsignedIntAtomicCounter | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedIntAtomicCounter value |
UnsignedIntImage1D | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedIntImage1D value |
UnsignedIntImage1DArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedIntImage1DArray value |
UnsignedIntImage2D | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedIntImage2D value |
UnsignedIntImage2DArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedIntImage2DArray value |
UnsignedIntImage2DMultisample | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedIntImage2DMultisample value |
UnsignedIntImage2DMultisampleArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedIntImage2DMultisampleArray value |
UnsignedIntImage2DRect | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedIntImage2DRect value |
UnsignedIntImage3D | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedIntImage3D value |
UnsignedIntImageBuffer | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedIntImageBuffer value |
UnsignedIntImageCube | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedIntImageCube value |
UnsignedIntSampler1D | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedIntSampler1D value |
UnsignedIntSampler1DArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedIntSampler1DArray value |
UnsignedIntSampler2D | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedIntSampler2D value |
UnsignedIntSampler2DArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedIntSampler2DArray value |
UnsignedIntSampler2DMultisample | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedIntSampler2DMultisample value |
UnsignedIntSampler2DMultisampleArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedIntSampler2DMultisampleArray value |
UnsignedIntSampler2DRect | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedIntSampler2DRect value |
UnsignedIntSampler3D | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedIntSampler3D value |
UnsignedIntSamplerBuffer | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedIntSamplerBuffer value |
UnsignedIntSamplerCube | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedIntSamplerCube value |
UnsignedIntSamplerCubeMapArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedIntSamplerCubeMapArray value |
UnsignedIntVec2 | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedIntVec2 value |
UnsignedIntVec3 | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedIntVec3 value |
UnsignedIntVec4 | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedIntVec4 value |
UnsignedShort | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedShort value |
UnsignedShort_1_5_5_5_Rev | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedShort_1_5_5_5_Rev value |
UnsignedShort_4_4_4_4 | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedShort_4_4_4_4 value |
UnsignedShort_4_4_4_4_Rev | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedShort_4_4_4_4_Rev value |
UnsignedShort_5_5_5_1 | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedShort_5_5_5_1 value |
UnsignedShort_5_6_5 | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedShort_5_6_5 value |
UnsignedShort_5_6_5_Rev | Smart enum for enumerations with the UnsignedShort_5_6_5_Rev value |
Unsupported | Smart enum for enumerations with the Unsupported value |
Unsynchronized | Smart enum for enumerations with the Unsynchronized value |
Use | Smart enum for enumerations with the Use value |
UTF16 | Smart enum for enumerations with the UTF16 value |
UTF8 | Smart enum for enumerations with the UTF8 value |
Vendor | Smart enum for enumerations with the Vendor value |
Version | Smart enum for enumerations with the Version value |
Vertex | Smart enum for enumerations with the Vertex value |
VertexArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the VertexArray value |
VertexAttribArray | Smart enum for enumerations with the VertexAttribArray value |
VertexShader | Smart enum for enumerations with the VertexShader value |
VertexSubroutine | Smart enum for enumerations with the VertexSubroutine value |
VertexSubroutineUniform | Smart enum for enumerations with the VertexSubroutineUniform value |
VerticalLineTo | Smart enum for enumerations with the VerticalLineTo value |
Viewport | Smart enum for enumerations with the Viewport value |
WaitFailed | Smart enum for enumerations with the WaitFailed value |
WindowSystem | Smart enum for enumerations with the WindowSystem value |
Write | Smart enum for enumerations with the Write value |
WriteOnly | Smart enum for enumerations with the WriteOnly value |
Xor | Smart enum for enumerations with the Xor value |
Zero | Smart enum for enumerations with the Zero value |
Unspecified | Unspecified internal type |
Bitfield | This template serves as a wrapper for OpenGL bitfields |
ObjGenDelOps< tag::Buffer > | Class wrapping buffer construction/destruction functions |
ObjBindingOps< tag::Buffer > | Buffer binding operations |
ObjCommonOps< tag::Buffer > | Common buffer operations |
ObjectOps< tag::ExplicitSel, tag::Buffer > | Class wrapping buffer functions with explicit target selector |
Property | Types related to Buffer |
UniformBufferBindingPoint | Type for the uniform buffer binding point index |
TransformFeedbackBufferBindingPoint | Type for the transform feedback buffer binding point index |
AtomicCounterBufferBindingPoint | Type for the atomic counter buffer binding point index |
ShaderStorageBufferBindingPoint | Type for the shader storage buffer binding point index |
BufferData | Class used for passing the size of and pointer to data to be put in a Buffer |
BufferRawMap | Untyped mapping of the buffer to the client address space |
BufferTypedMap | Typed mapping of the buffer to the client address space |
BufferSize | This class represents the size of a GPU buffer in bytes |
Context | Wrapper for the current OpenGL context operations |
TypeTag | A tag template used mainly for data-type-based function overload dispatching |
FragDataSlot | Type for the fragment data output slot (implementation-dependent limited) number |
ObjGenDelOps< tag::Framebuffer > | Class wrapping framebuffer construction/destruction functions |
ObjBindingOps< tag::Framebuffer > | Framebuffer binding operations |
ObjCommonOps< tag::Framebuffer > | Common framebuffer operations |
ObjectOps< tag::ExplicitSel, tag::Framebuffer > | Class wrapping framebuffer functions with explicit target selector |
Property | Types related to Framebuffer |
FramebufferComplete | Helper class used with syntax-sugar operators |
FramebufferColorAttachmentNumber | Type for the framebuffer color attachment (implementation-dependent) number |
Angle | Class implementing planar angle-related functionality |
Vector | Basic template for vector types |
Quaternion | Template class for quaternions |
Matrix | Base template for Matrix |
ObjectName | A common template for "named" objects like textures, buffers, etc |
Sequence | Common base class for Object name sequences |
ObjCommonOps | Implements operations applicable to any object and any operation kind |
ObjZeroOps | Implements operations applicable to any object including object 0 (zero) |
Reference | Allows to make managed copies of instances of Object |
Array | Allows to allocate and manage several instances of Object at the same time |
ProgVarLoc | Wrapper encapsulating program variable location/index |
ProgVar | Program variable (vertex attrib / uniform ) wrapper |
GLSLSource | Class storing source code in GLSL |
GLSLString | Class for passing a single string as a Source to a Shader |
GLSLStrings | Class for passing a set of strings as a Source to a Shader |
LimitedCount | Base class for limited implementation-dependent numeric values |
NamedString | Wrapper for GL NamedStrings |
ShaderInclude | Specialization of NamedString for ShaderInclude type |
OneOf | Stores a value having one of the listed types in a common representation |
OutputData | Class used for passing the address and size of a writable buffer to functions |
ObjGenDelOps< tag::Program > | Class wrapping program construction/destruction functions |
ObjBindingOps< tag::Program > | Program binding operations |
ObjCommonOps< tag::Program > | Common program operations |
ObjectOps< tag::DirectState, tag::Program > | Class wrapping program functions (with direct state access) |
ActiveUniformBlockInfo | Information about a active uniform block |
ActiveVariableInfo | Information about a single active vertex attribute or uniform |
ShaderProgram | A standalone program with a single shader of a specified type from GLSL source |
QuickProgram | A class that allows to build programs in the constructor |
ObjGenDelOps< tag::ProgramPipeline > | Class wrapping program pipeline construction/destruction functions |
ObjBindingOps< tag::ProgramPipeline > | Program pipeline binding operations |
ObjCommonOps< tag::ProgramPipeline > | Common program pipeline operations |
ObjectOps< tag::DirectState, tag::ProgramPipeline > | Class wrapping program pipeline functions (with direct state access) |
Properties | Types related to ProgramPipeline |
ProgramResource | Information about a single active program resource |
ObjGenDelOps< tag::Query > | Class wrapping query construction/destruction functions |
QueryExecution | A helper class automatically executing a query |
ObjectOps< tag::DirectState, tag::Query > | Class wrapping query functions with (direct state access) |
QueryActivator | RAII Query activator/deactivator |
ConditionalRender | RAII conditional render activator/deactivator |
ObjGenDelOps< tag::Renderbuffer > | Class wrapping renderbuffer construction/destruction functions |
ObjBindingOps< tag::Renderbuffer > | Renderbuffer binding operations |
ObjCommonOps< tag::Renderbuffer > | Common renderbuffer operations |
ObjectOps< tag::ExplicitSel, tag::Renderbuffer > | Class wrapping renderbuffer functions with explicit target selector |
ObjGenDelOps< tag::Sampler > | Class wrapping sampler construction/destruction functions |
ObjBindingOps< tag::Sampler > | Sampler binding operations |
ObjCommonOps< tag::Sampler > | Common sampler operations |
ObjectOps< tag::DirectState, tag::Sampler > | Class wrapping sampler functions (with direct state access) |
ObjGenDelOps< tag::Shader > | Class wrapping shader construction/destruction functions |
ObjCommonOps< tag::Shader > | Common shader operations |
ObjectOps< tag::DirectState, tag::Shader > | Class wrapping shader functions (with direct state access) |
Property | Types related to Shader |
Shader | An object encasulating the shader object functionality |
SpecShader | Base template for specialized shader types |
Sync | Encapsulates sync object and fence functionality |
Property | Types related to Sync |
ObjGenDelOps< tag::Texture > | Class wrapping texture construction/destruction functions |
ObjBindingOps< tag::Texture > | Texture binding operations |
ObjCommonOps< tag::Texture > | Common texture operations |
ObjZeroOps< tag::ExplicitSel, tag::Texture > | Operations applicable to any texture including texture 0 (zero) |
Property | Types related to Texture |
TextureMipmap | Selector type used with the syntax sugar operators |
TextureHandle | A handle for a bindless texture |
ImageHandle | A handle for a bindless texture image |
TextureSwizzleTuple | A tuple of swizzle values for all texture components |
TextureUnitSelector | Type for the texture unit selector (implementation-dependent limited) number |
ImageUnitSelector | Type for the image unit selector (implementation-dependent limited) number |
ObjGenDelOps< tag::TransformFeedback > | Class wrapping transform feedback construction/destruction functions |
ObjBindingOps< tag::TransformFeedback > | TransformFeedback binding operations |
ObjCommonOps< tag::TransformFeedback > | Common transform feedback operations |
Activator | Class lifetime of which controls the (de)activation of TFB |
Pauser | Class lifetime of which controls the pausing/resuming of TFB |
ObjectOps< OpsTag, tag::TransformFeedback > | Class wrapping transform feedback functions |
ProgVarGetSetOps< OpsTag, tag::Uniform, T > | Encapsulates uniform value setting functionality |
ProgVar< tag::ImplicitSel, tag::Subroutine, tag::NoTypecheck, void > | Specialization of ProgVar for subroutines |
ProgVar< tag::ImplicitSel, tag::SubroutineUniform, tag::NoTypecheck, void > | Specialization of ProgVar for subroutine uniformss |
UniformSubroutines | Encapsulates the uniform subroutine setting operations |
Preset | This type stores a setting of the whole set of subroutine uniforms |
ObjGenDelOps< tag::VertexArray > | Class wrapping vertex array construction/destruction functions |
ObjBindingOps< tag::VertexArray > | Vertex array binding operations |
ObjCommonOps< tag::VertexArray > | Common vertex array operations |
ProgVarGetSetOps< OpsTag, tag::VertexAttrib, T > | Encapsulates vertex attribute value set functionality |
VertexAttribSlot | Type for the vertex attribute slot (implementation-dependent limited) number |
BezierCurves | A sequence of Bezier curves, possibly connected at end points |
CubicBezierLoop | A closed smooth cubic Bezier spline passing through all input points |
ModelMatrix | Class implementing model transformation matrix named constructors |
CameraMatrix | Class implementing camera matrix named constructors |
Plane | Class implementing plane-related functionality |
QuaternionSLERP | Functor template for quaternion spherical-linear interpolation |
BaseSLERP | Base template for spherical-linear interpolation functors |
Sphere | Class implementing sphere-related functionality |
VectorBase | Common base class for vectors |
Vector< T, 1 > | |
Vector< T, 2 > | |
Vector< T, 3 > | |
Vector< T, 4 > | |
StrCRefTpl | String const reference wrapper template |
AutoRebind< Object< ObjectOps< OpsTag, ObjTag > > > | Class that remembers the currently bound Object and rebinds it when destroyed |
Group< ObjectName< ObjTag > > | A dynamic group (convertible to a Sequence ) of object names |
OptionalImpl< tag::Object, Object > | Modifier that allows to create uninitialized Object(s) |
SeqIterator | Object sequence iterator template |
ObjectOps | Implements operations applicable to named (non-zero) objects |
ObjectZero< ObjZeroOps< OpsTag, ObjTag > > | Wrapper for GL objects with name 0 (zero) |
ObjHandle | Template |
Object< ObjectOps< OpsTag, ObjTag > > | Template for GL/AL/etc. objects wrappers |
BoundObjOps< tag::Buffer > | Specialization of the BoundObjOps for Buffer > |
BoundObjOps< tag::Framebuffer > | Specialization of the BoundObjOps for Framebuffer > |
BoundObjOps< tag::Renderbuffer > | Specialization of the BoundObjOps for Renderbuffer > |
BoundObjOps< tag::Texture > | Specialization of the BoundObjOps for Texture > |
ObjectOps< tag::DirectState, tag::Buffer > | Class wrapping buffer-related functionality with direct state access |
Property | Types related to Buffer |
DSABufferTypedMap | Untyped mapping of the buffer to the client address space |
ObjectOps< tag::DirectState, tag::Framebuffer > | Class wrapping framebuffer-related functionality with direct state access |
Property | Types related to Framebuffer |
ObjectOps< tag::DirectState, tag::Renderbuffer > | Class wrapping renderbuffer-related functionality with direct state access |
ObjZeroOps< tag::DirectState, tag::Texture > | Class wrapping default texture functionality with direct state access |
ObjectOps< tag::DirectState, tag::Texture > | Class wrapping texture object functionality with direct state access |
Property | Types related to Texture |
ObjectOps< tag::DirectState, tag::TransformFeedback > | Class wrapping transform feedback-related functionality with direct state access |
ObjectOps< tag::DirectState, tag::VertexArray > | Class wrapping vertex array-related functionality with direct state access |
Error | Exception class for general OpenGL errors |
IncompleteFramebuffer | Incomplete framebuffer exception class |
MissingFunction | Exception class for situations when a pointer to a GL function is invalid |
LimitError | Exception indicating exceeded implementation-defined limits |
ObjectError | Exception class for GL object-related errors |
ProgVarError | Exception class for GL program-variable-related errors |
ProgramBuildError | Base class for program compilation or linking errors |
CompileError | Exception class for OpenGL shading language compilation error |
LinkError | Exception class for OpenGL shading language program link error |
ValidationError | Exception class for OpenGL shading language program validation error |
PerfMonitorAMDCounter | Wrapper for performance monitor counter functionality |
PerfMonitorAMDGroup | Wrapper for performance monitor group functionality |
PerfMonitorAMDResult | Wrapper for performance counter result |
ObjGenDelOps< tag::PerfMonitorAMD > | Class wrapping perfofmance monitor construction/destruction functions |
ObjectOps< tag::DirectState, tag::PerfMonitorAMD > | Class wrapping performance monitor functions (with direct state access) |
AMD_performance_monitor | Wrapper for the AMD_performance_monitor extension |
ARB_compatibility | Wrapper for the ARB_compatibility extension |
ARB_copy_image | Wrapper for the ARB_copy_image extension |
ARB_debug_output | Wrapper for the ARB_debug_output extension |
CallbackData | Structure containing data passed to Callback functor |
LogSink | Installs a custom callback processing the debug output |
ARB_debug_output_Unique | Filter for ARB_debug_output removing duplicate messages |
ARB_debug_output_Tree | Filter for ARB_debug_output printing a simple tree to a standard output |
ARB_debug_output_ToXML | Filter for ARB_debug_output formatting the debug output into XML |
ARB_robustness | Wrapper for the ARB_robustness extension |
ATI_meminfo | Wrapper for the ATI_meminfo extension |
AvailableMemory | Structure storing information about available memory |
EXT_direct_state_access | Wrapper for the EXT_direct_state_access extension |
KHR_debug | Wrapper for the KHR_debug extension |
CallbackData | Structure containing data passed to Callback functor |
LogSink | Installs a custom callback processing the debug output |
KHR_debug_Unique | Filter for KHR_debug removing duplicate messages |
KHR_debug_Tree | Filter for KHR_debug printing a simple tree to a standard output |
KHR_debug_ToXML | Filter for KHR_debug formatting the debug output into XML |
NV_copy_image | Wrapper for the NV_copy_image extension |
NV_path_rendering | Wrapper for the NV_path_rendering extension |
DSAMatrixEXT | Wrapper for direct-state-access compatibility matrix operations |
DSAModelviewMatrixEXT | Wrapper for direct-state-access compatibility modelview matrix operations |
DSAProjectionMatrixEXT | Wrapper for direct-state-access compatibility projection matrix operations |
ObjGenDelOps< tag::PathNV > | Class wrapping NV path construction/destruction functions |
ObjectOps< tag::DirectState, tag::PathNV > | Class wrapping NV-path functions (with direct state access) |
PathArrayNV | Array of PathNV objects and related operations |
PathNVSpec | Template class for convenient specifying of path commands and coordinates |
BriefPathNVSpec | Facade over PathNVSpec for even more convenient path specification |
Application | A monostate class wrapping application and startup options-related things |
Debug | Wrapper for the GL debug output functionality |
CallbackData | Structure containing data passed to Callback functor |
Group | Pushes a group when constructed, pops in when destroyed |
LogSink | Installs a custom callback processing the debug output |
ListOf | Helper class template that can be used for static container initialization |
Range | Wrapper class for all ranges that can be used for Element traversal |
ExampleParams | Run-time parameters for example instances |
ExampleTimePeriod | A class measuring a time period in the examples |
ExampleClock | Class measuring the simulation time of an Example |
ExampleThread | Base class for OGLplus example offscreen rendering threads |
Example | Base class for OGLplus examples |