OGLplus (0.52.0) a C++ wrapper for OpenGL

oglplus::context Namespace Reference

Namespace containing definitions of GL context-related operation wrappers. More...


class  Blending
 Wrapper for blending operations. More...
struct  RGBAValue
 Helper structure storing the clear color components. More...
class  ClrBits
 Helper class used by BufferClearing::Clear() More...
class  BufferClearing
 Wrapper for the operations that are used to clear the draw buffers. More...
struct  RGBAMask
 Helper structure storing the clear color component mask. More...
class  BufferMasking
 Wrappers for operations for fine control of buffer updates. More...
class  BufferSelection
 Wrappers for functions selecting the buffers for read/write operations. More...
class  Capabilities
 Wrapper for the capability-related commands. More...
class  Computing
 Wrapper for the general-purpose-computing-related operations. More...
class  DepthTest
 Wrapper for the depth-buffer-related operations. More...
class  Drawing
 Wrapper for primitive drawing operations. More...
class  Errors
 Wrapper for the error-reporting-related operations. More...
class  Hints
 Wrapper for the hint-related operations. More...
class  LimitQueries
 Wrapper for implementation-dependent limit queries. More...
class  LogicalOps
 Wrapper for the color buffer logical operations. More...
class  NumericQueries
 Wrapper for the GL numeric-query-related operations. More...
class  ObjectBinding
 Wrapper for object binding operations. More...
class  ObjectDSA
 Object direct state access operations. More...
class  PixelOps
 Wrapper for the pixel storage and transfer operations. More...
class  Rasterization
 Wrapper for the basic point, line and polygon rasterization operations. More...
struct  ScissorRectangle
 Helper structure storing the extents of a 2D scissor rectangle. More...
class  ScissorTest
 Wrapper for the scissor-buffer-related operations. More...
class  StencilTest
 Wrapper for the stencil-buffer-related operations. More...
class  StringQueries
 Wrapper for the GL string-query-related operations. More...
class  Synchronization
 Wrapper for synchronization operations. More...
struct  ViewportPosition
 Helper structure storing position in a 2D viewport. More...
struct  ViewportSize
 Helper structure storing the dimensions of a 2D viewport. More...
struct  ViewportExtents
 Helper structure storing the extents of a 2D viewport. More...
struct  BoundsRange
 Helper structure storing the min/max bounds range. More...
struct  DepthRange
 Helper structure storing the near/far depth range. More...
class  ViewportOps
 Wrapper for the viewport-related operations. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace containing definitions of GL context-related operation wrappers.

Copyright © 2010-2014 Matúš Chochlík, University of Žilina, Žilina, Slovakia.
<matus.chochlik -at- fri.uniza.sk>
<chochlik -at -gmail.com>
Documentation generated on Mon Sep 22 2014 by Doxygen (version 1.8.6).