OGLplus (0.52.0) a C++ wrapper for OpenGL


Shows implicit surface polygonization and single-pass wireframe


Copyright 2008-2014 Matus Chochlik. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)

#include <oglplus/gl.hpp>
#include <oglplus/all.hpp>
#include "example.hpp"
namespace oglplus {
class SurfaceVertShader
: public VertexShader
ObjectDesc("Surface vertex shader"),
"#version 330\n"
"uniform vec3 GridOffset;"
"uniform float Time;"
"in vec4 Position;"
"out vec3 vertNormal;"
"out float vertValue;"
"const vec4 Source[4] = vec4[4]("
" vec4(-0.2, 0.3, 0.1, 0.3),"
" vec4(-0.5, 3.1,-0.1, 0.1),"
" vec4( 0.2, 0.4,-0.4, 0.3),"
" vec4(-0.1, 0.2,-0.5, 0.7) "
"void main(void)"
" gl_Position = Position + vec4(GridOffset, 0.0);"
" vertValue = -gl_Position.y;"
" vertNormal = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);"
" for(int s=0; s!=4; ++s)"
" {"
" float x = gl_Position.x - Source[s].x;"
" float z = gl_Position.z - Source[s].z;"
" float a = Source[s].y;"
" float w = Source[s].w*20.0;"
" float r = 0.7*x*x + 0.4*z*z;"
" float t = r + s - Time*(0.5 - 0.1*s);"
" float g = w * t;"
" float d = 2.0*a*exp(-r-1.0)*(w*cos(g)-sin(g));"
" vertValue += sin(g)*exp(-r-1.0)*a;"
" vertNormal += vec3(x*d, 0.0, z*d);"
" }"
{ }
class SurfaceGeomShader
: public GeometryShader
ObjectDesc("Surface geometry shader"),
"#version 330\n"
"layout(triangles_adjacency) in;"
"layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 6) out;"
"uniform mat4 CameraMatrix;"
"uniform vec3 CameraPosition, LightPosition;"
"uniform vec2 ViewportDimensions;"
"in vec3 vertNormal[];"
"in float vertValue[];"
"noperspective out vec3 geomDist;"
"out float geomSpecular, geomDiffuse, geomValue;"
"void do_nothing(void){ }"
"float find_t(int i1, int i2)"
" return vertValue[i1]/(vertValue[i1] - vertValue[i2]);"
"vec4 make_position(int i1, int i2, float t)"
" return mix(gl_in[i1].gl_Position,gl_in[i2].gl_Position,t);"
"void make_vertex("
" int i1, "
" int i2, "
" float t, "
" vec4 p0, "
" vec4 p1, "
" vec4 p2, "
" vec4 c0, "
" vec2 s0, "
" vec2 s1, "
" vec2 s2, "
" vec3 m"
" vec3 Normal = normalize(mix(vertNormal[i1], vertNormal[i2], t));"
" vec3 LightDir = normalize(LightPosition - p0.xyz);"
" vec3 ViewDir = normalize(CameraPosition - p0.xyz);"
" float LightRefl = dot(reflect(-LightDir, Normal), ViewDir);"
" float LightHit = dot(Normal, LightDir);"
" gl_Position = c0;"
" geomSpecular = pow(clamp(LightRefl+0.1, 0.0, 1.0), 32);"
" geomDiffuse = pow(max((LightHit*0.7+0.3), 0.0), 2.0);"
" geomValue = pow(dot(normalize(p1-p0), normalize(p2-p0)),2.0);"
" vec2 v0 = s2 - s1;"
" vec2 v1 = s2 - s0;"
" vec2 v2 = s1 - s0;"
" float a = abs(v1.x*v2.y - v1.y*v2.x);"
" float d = a / length(v0);"
" geomDist = m * vec3(d, d, d);"
" EmitVertex();"
"void make_triangle(int a1, int a2, int b1, int b2, int c1, int c2)"
" float ta = find_t(a1, a2);"
" float tb = find_t(b1, b2);"
" float tc = find_t(c1, c2);"
" vec4 pa = make_position(a1, a2, ta);"
" vec4 pb = make_position(b1, b2, tb);"
" vec4 pc = make_position(c1, c2, tc);"
" vec4 ca = CameraMatrix*pa;"
" vec4 cb = CameraMatrix*pb;"
" vec4 cc = CameraMatrix*pc;"
" vec2 sa = ViewportDimensions * ca.xy / ca.w;"
" vec2 sb = ViewportDimensions * cb.xy / cb.w;"
" vec2 sc = ViewportDimensions * cc.xy / cc.w;"
" make_vertex(a1, a2, ta, pa, pb, pc, ca, sa, sb, sc, vec3(1,0,0));"
" make_vertex(b1, b2, tb, pb, pa, pc, cb, sb, sa, sc, vec3(0,1,0));"
" make_vertex(c1, c2, tc, pc, pa, pb, cc, sc, sa, sb, vec3(0,0,1));"
" EndPrimitive();"
"void make_quad(int a1,int a2,int b1,int b2,int c1,int c2,int d1,int d2)"
" float ta = find_t(a1, a2);"
" float tb = find_t(b1, b2);"
" float tc = find_t(c1, c2);"
" float td = find_t(d1, d2);"
" vec4 pa = make_position(a1, a2, ta);"
" vec4 pb = make_position(b1, b2, tb);"
" vec4 pc = make_position(c1, c2, tc);"
" vec4 pd = make_position(d1, d2, td);"
" vec4 ca = CameraMatrix*pa;"
" vec4 cb = CameraMatrix*pb;"
" vec4 cc = CameraMatrix*pc;"
" vec4 cd = CameraMatrix*pd;"
" vec2 sa = ViewportDimensions * ca.xy / ca.w;"
" vec2 sb = ViewportDimensions * cb.xy / cb.w;"
" vec2 sc = ViewportDimensions * cc.xy / cc.w;"
" vec2 sd = ViewportDimensions * cd.xy / cd.w;"
" make_vertex(a1, a2, ta, pa, pb, pc, ca, sa, sb, sc, vec3(1,0,0));"
" make_vertex(b1, b2, tb, pb, pa, pc, cb, sb, sa, sc, vec3(0,1,0));"
" make_vertex(c1, c2, tc, pc, pa, pb, cc, sc, sa, sb, vec3(0,0,1));"
" EndPrimitive();"
" make_vertex(c1, c2, tc, pc, pb, pd, cc, sc, sb, sd, vec3(1,0,0));"
" make_vertex(b1, b2, tb, pb, pc, pd, cb, sb, sc, sd, vec3(0,1,0));"
" make_vertex(d1, d2, td, pd, pc, pb, cd, sd, sc, sb, vec3(0,0,1));"
" EndPrimitive();"
"void process_tetrahedron(int a, int b, int c, int d)"
" if(vertValue[a] >= 0.0)"
" {"
" if(vertValue[b] >= 0.0)"
" {"
" if(vertValue[c] >= 0.0)"
" {"
" if(vertValue[d] >= 0.0)"
" do_nothing();"
" else make_triangle(d,a, d,b, d,c);"
" }"
" else"
" {"
" if(vertValue[d] >= 0.0)"
" make_triangle(c,a, c,d, c,b);"
" else make_quad(c,a, d,a, c,b, d,b);"
" }"
" }"
" else"
" {"
" if(vertValue[c] >= 0.0)"
" {"
" if(vertValue[d] >= 0.0)"
" make_triangle(b,c, b,d, b,a);"
" else make_quad(b,c, d,c, b,a, d,a);"
" }"
" else"
" {"
" if(vertValue[d] >= 0.0)"
" make_quad(c,a, c,d, b,a, b,d);"
" else make_triangle(c,a, d,a, b,a);"
" }"
" }"
" }"
" else"
" {"
" if(vertValue[b] >= 0.0)"
" {"
" if(vertValue[c] >= 0.0)"
" {"
" if(vertValue[d] >= 0.0)"
" make_triangle(a,b, a,d, a,c);"
" else make_quad(a,c, a,b, d,c, d,b);"
" }"
" else"
" {"
" if(vertValue[d] >= 0.0)"
" make_quad(a,b, a,d, c,b, c,d);"
" else make_triangle(a,b, d,b, c,b);"
" }"
" }"
" else"
" {"
" if(vertValue[c] >= 0.0)"
" {"
" if(vertValue[d] >= 0.0)"
" make_quad(b,c, b,d, a,c, a,d);"
" else make_triangle(b,c, d,c, a,c);"
" }"
" else"
" {"
" if(vertValue[d] >= 0.0)"
" make_triangle(a,d, c,d, b,d);"
" else do_nothing();"
" }"
" }"
" }"
"void main(void)"
" process_tetrahedron(0, 2, 4, 1);"
{ }
class SurfaceFragShader
: public FragmentShader
ObjectDesc("Surface fragment shader"),
"#version 330\n"
"noperspective in vec3 geomDist;"
"in float geomSpecular, geomDiffuse, geomValue;"
"out vec3 fragColor;"
"void main(void)"
" float MinDist = min(min(geomDist.x, geomDist.y), geomDist.z);"
" float EdgeAlpha = exp2(-pow(MinDist, 2.0));"
" float Ambient = 0.8;"
" vec3 Color = vec3("
" 1.0-geomValue*(gl_FrontFacing?1:0),"
" 1.0-geomValue*(gl_FrontFacing?0:1),"
" 1.0-geomValue"
" );"
" vec3 Fill = Color * (Ambient + geomDiffuse + geomSpecular);"
" vec3 Line = vec3(0, 0, 0);"
" fragColor = mix(Fill, Line, EdgeAlpha);"
{ }
class SurfaceProgram : public Program
static Program make(void)
Program prog;
return prog;
const Program& prog(void) const { return *this; }
ProgramUniform<Mat4f> camera_matrix;
ProgramUniform<Vec3f> grid_offset, camera_position, light_position;
ProgramUniform<Vec2f> viewport_dimensions;
ProgramUniform<GLfloat> time;
: Program(make())
, camera_matrix(prog(), "CameraMatrix")
, grid_offset(prog(), "GridOffset")
, camera_position(prog(), "CameraPosition")
, light_position(prog(), "LightPosition")
, viewport_dimensions(prog(), "ViewportDimensions")
, time(prog(), "Time")
{ }
class Grid
shapes::Tetrahedrons make_grid;
shapes::DrawingInstructions grid_instr;
Context gl;
// A vertex array object for the rendered shape
// VBO for the grids's vertex positions
Buffer positions, indices;
Grid(const Program& prog, float quality)
: make_grid(1.0, 8 + quality*quality*8)
, grid_instr(make_grid.Instructions(shapes::DrawMode::WithAdjacency()))
, grid_indices(make_grid.Indices(shapes::DrawMode::WithAdjacency()))
// bind the VAO for the shape
std::vector<GLfloat> data;
// bind the VBO for the positions
GLuint n_per_vertex = make_grid.Positions(data);
// upload the data
Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::Array, data);
// setup the vertex attribs array
VertexArrayAttrib attr(prog, "Position");
// bind the VBO for the indices
// upload them
Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::ElementArray, grid_indices);
// clear the indexs buffer
void Use(void)
void Draw(void)
class SurfaceExample : public Example
// wrapper around the current OpenGL context
Context gl;
SurfaceProgram liquid_prog;
Grid grid;
Mat4f perspective;
const int grid_repeat;
SurfaceExample(const ExampleParams& params)
: liquid_prog()
, grid(liquid_prog, params.quality)
, grid_repeat(1 + params.quality*2)
const Vec3f light_position(12.0, 1.0, 8.0);
gl.ClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
void Reshape(GLuint width, GLuint height)
gl.Viewport(width, height);
perspective = CamMatrixf::PerspectiveX(
1, 60
liquid_prog.viewport_dimensions.Set(Vec2f(width, height));
void Render(ExampleClock& clock)
double time = clock.Now().Seconds();
double t = SineWave(time / 13.0);
if(t+0.95 < 0.0) clock.Pace(0.05);
else if(t+0.91 < 0.0) clock.Pace(0.10);
else if(t+0.87 < 0.0) clock.Pace(0.15);
else if(t+0.83 < 0.0) clock.Pace(0.20);
else if(t+0.81 < 0.0) clock.Pace(0.50);
else clock.Pace(1.0);
auto camera = CamMatrixf::Orbiting(
Vec3f(0, 0, 0),
4.0 - SineWave(time / 14.0),
FullCircles(time / 26.0),
Degrees(55 + SineWave(time / 14.0) * 30)
Vec3f camera_position = camera.Position();
for(int y=-1; y!=1; ++y)
for(int z=-grid_repeat; z!=grid_repeat; ++z)
for(int x=-grid_repeat; x!=grid_repeat; ++x)
liquid_prog.grid_offset.Set(x, y, z);
bool Continue(double time)
return time < 60.0;
double ScreenshotTime(void) const
return 10.0;
void setupExample(ExampleParams& /*params*/){ }
std::unique_ptr<ExampleThread> makeExampleThread(
Example& /*example*/,
unsigned /*thread_id*/,
const ExampleParams& /*params*/
){ return std::unique_ptr<ExampleThread>(); }
std::unique_ptr<Example> makeExample(const ExampleParams& params)
return std::unique_ptr<Example>(new SurfaceExample(params));
} // namespace oglplus

Copyright © 2010-2014 Matúš Chochlík, University of Žilina, Žilina, Slovakia.
<matus.chochlik -at- fri.uniza.sk>
<chochlik -at -gmail.com>
Documentation generated on Mon Sep 22 2014 by Doxygen (version 1.8.6).