OGLplus (0.52.0) a C++ wrapper for OpenGL

oglplus::TextureSwizzleTuple Class Reference

A tuple of swizzle values for all texture components. More...

#include </home/chochlik/devel/oglplus/include/oglplus/texture_swizzle.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 TextureSwizzleTuple (void)
 Default construction.
 TextureSwizzleTuple (TextureSwizzle mode_r, TextureSwizzle mode_g, TextureSwizzle mode_b, TextureSwizzle mode_a)
 Specifies modes for all components/coords.
TextureSwizzleTupleSwizzleR (TextureSwizzle mode)
 Sets the swizzle value for red component.
TextureSwizzle SwizzleR (void) const
 Returns the swizzle value for red component.
TextureSwizzleTupleRed (TextureSwizzle mode)
 Synonym for SwizzleR.
TextureSwizzle Red (void) const
 Synonym for SwizzleR.
TextureSwizzleTupleSwizzleG (TextureSwizzle mode)
 Sets the swizzle value for green component.
TextureSwizzle SwizzleG (void) const
 Returns the swizzle value for green component.
TextureSwizzleTupleGreen (TextureSwizzle mode)
 Synonym for SwizzleG.
TextureSwizzle Green (void) const
 Synonym for SwizzleG.
TextureSwizzleTupleSwizzleB (TextureSwizzle mode)
 Sets the swizzle value for blue component.
TextureSwizzle SwizzleB (void) const
 Returns the swizzle value for blue component.
TextureSwizzleTupleBlue (TextureSwizzle mode)
 Synonym for SwizzleB.
TextureSwizzle Blue (void) const
 Synonym for SwizzleB.
TextureSwizzleTupleSwizzleA (TextureSwizzle mode)
 Sets the swizzle value for alpha component.
TextureSwizzle SwizzleA (void) const
 Returns the swizzle value for alpha component.
TextureSwizzleTupleAlpha (TextureSwizzle mode)
 Synonym for SwizzleA.
TextureSwizzle Alpha (void) const
 Synonym for SwizzleA.
TextureSwizzleTupleSwizzle (TextureSwizzleCoord coord, TextureSwizzle mode)
 Sets the swizzle value for the specified component/coord.
TextureSwizzle Swizzle (TextureSwizzleCoord coord) const
 Returns the swizzle value for the specified component/coord.

Detailed Description

A tuple of swizzle values for all texture components.

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Copyright © 2010-2014 Matúš Chochlík, University of Žilina, Žilina, Slovakia.
<matus.chochlik -at- fri.uniza.sk>
<chochlik -at -gmail.com>
Documentation generated on Mon Sep 22 2014 by Doxygen (version 1.8.6).